fitlog.fastlog.logger 源代码

import inspect
import logging
import os
import requests
from datetime import datetime
from copy import deepcopy
import argparse
import json
import time
import re
from typing import Union, Dict
from configparser import ConfigParser

from .log_read import is_dirname_log_record
from ..fastgit import committer
from ..fastgit.committer import _colored_string

import warnings
import numpy as np
import numbers

[文档]class FitlogConfig: """ 用于add_hyper函数的基类。 继承后无需实例化直接传入add_hyper。 """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): self.__setattr__(k, v)
def _get_config_args(conf: FitlogConfig): """ 读取FitlogConfig内的超参。 """ if inspect.isclass(conf): conf = conf() config_dict = { k: conf.__getattribute__(k) for k in dir(conf) if not k.startswith("_") } for k, v in config_dict.items(): if inspect.isfunction(v): config_dict[k] = v.__name__ return config_dict def _check_debug(func): """ 函数闭包,只有非 debug 模式才会执行原始函数 :param func: 原始函数,函数的第一个参数必须为 Logger 对象 :return: 加上闭包后的函数 """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if args[0]._debug: return else: return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper def _check_log_dir(func): """ 函数闭包,检查原始函数执行所需的条件是否满足,只有满足才会执行 1 如果没有initialize, 说明还没有设置 2 如果default_log_dir不为None,设置使用default_log_dir调用set_log_dir 3 否则报错 :param func: 原始函数,函数的第一个参数必须为 Logger 对象 :return: 加上闭包后的函数 """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if not args[0].initialized and args[0].default_log_dir is not None: args[0].set_log_dir(args[0].default_log_dir) elif not args[0].initialized: raise RuntimeError("You have to call `fitlog.set_log_dir()` to set where to save log first.") return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[文档]class Logger: """ 用于处理日志的类,fitlog 的核心 """ def __init__(self): self.initialized = False self.save_on_first_metric_or_loss = True self.default_log_dir = None self._cache = [] self._debug = False self._no_commit = False self.fit_id = None self.fit_msg = None self.git_id = None self.git_msg = None self._log_dir = None # 这是哪个大的log文件, 比如logs/ self._save_log_dir = None # 存在哪个文件内的,比如log_20191020_193021/。如果 @_check_log_dir def get_log_dir(self, absolute=False): """ 返回的是存放所有log的文件夹。例如logs/,需要调用set_log_dir()先设置log的记录文件夹 :param bool absolute: 是否返回绝对路径 :return: """ log_dir = self._log_dir if absolute: if log_dir: log_dir = os.path.abspath(log_dir) else: if log_dir: log_dir = os.path.basename(log_dir) return log_dir @_check_log_dir def get_log_folder(self, absolute=False): """ 返回实际保存log的文件夹,类似log_20200406_055218/这种 :param bool absolute: 是否返回绝对路径 :return: """ log_dir = self._save_log_dir if absolute: if log_dir: log_dir = os.path.abspath(log_dir) else: if log_dir: log_dir = os.path.basename(log_dir) return log_dir
[文档] def debug(self, flag=True): """ 再引入logger之后就调用,本次运行不会记录任何东西。所有函数无任何效用 :return: """ self._debug = flag
[文档] def no_commit(self, flag=True): """ 再引入logger之后就调用,本次运行不会记录任何东西。所有函数无任何效用 :return: """ self._no_commit = flag
@_check_debug def commit(self, file: str=None, fit_msg: str = None): """ 调用 committer.commit 进行自动 commit :param file: 以该路径往上寻找.fitlog所在文件夹。一般传入__file__即可, 如果为 None,则通过调用栈自动获取 :param fit_msg: 针对该实验的说明 :return: """ if file is None: try: import inspect module = inspect.getmodule(inspect.stack()[3][0]) file = module.__file__ except: raise RuntimeError("Please pass the file parameter.") if self._no_commit: return msg = committer.commit(file=file, commit_message=fit_msg) if msg['status'] == 0: # 成功了 self.fit_id = committer.last_commit[0] self.fit_msg = committer.last_commit[1] # if not self.initialized: # 感觉没有必要 # self.default_log_dir = os.path.join(committer.work_dir, config.get('log_settings', 'default_log_dir')) # self.save_on_first_metric_or_loss = config.getboolean('log_settings', 'save_on_first_metric_or_loss') # self.initialized = True # if not self.save_on_first_metric_or_loss: # self.create_log_folder() else: print( _colored_string("Put your code inside a fitlog project, or use 'fitlog init' to initialize it\n", "red") ) raise RuntimeError( "It seems like you are not running under a folder governed by fitlog.\n" + msg['msg'] ) @_check_debug @_check_log_dir def create_log_folder(self): """ 默认是生成第一个loss或者metric的时候才会在设置的log文件夹下创建一个新的文件夹,如果需要在代码运行时就创建该文件夹,可以通过 调用该接口。 :return: """ self._create_log_files() @_check_debug def set_log_dir(self, log_dir: str, new_log: bool = False): """ 设定log 文件夹的路径,在进行其它操作前必须先指定日志路径 :param log_dir: log 文件夹的路径 :param new_log: 是否开始新的一条log记录. 一般用于同一次实验需要记录多个数据集的performance :return: """ if new_log: self._clear() if self.initialized: if self._log_dir != log_dir: raise RuntimeError("Don't set log dir again.") else: return if not os.path.exists(log_dir): print("Create logging folder in `{}`.".format(log_dir)) os.makedirs(log_dir) # raise NotADirectoryError("`{}` is not exist.".format(log_dir)) if not os.path.isdir(log_dir): raise FileExistsError("`{}` is not a directory.".format(log_dir)) # prepare file directory if is_dirname_log_record(log_dir): warnings.warn("Append to an already exist log.") self._log_dir = os.path.dirname(log_dir) self._save_log_dir = log_dir self.initialized = True self.create_log_folder() else: self._log_dir = log_dir if not os.access(log_dir, os.W_OK): raise PermissionError("write is not allowed in `{}`. Check your permission.".format(log_dir)) self.initialized = True try: if self.git_id is None: res = committer.git_last_commit_info(log_dir) if res['status'] == 0: self.git_id = res['msg'][0] self.git_msg = res['msg'][1] except BaseException as e: pass if not self.save_on_first_metric_or_loss: self.create_log_folder() self._start_time = time.time() def _clear(self): """ 内部函数,将logger置为未初始化 :return: """ # self._save() self.initialized = False self._cache = [] for attr_name in ['total_steps']: if hasattr(self, attr_name): delattr(self, attr_name) for attr_name in ['_save_log_dir', '_log_dir']: setattr(self, attr_name, None) for logger_name in ['meta_logger', 'hyper_logger', 'metric_logger', 'other_logger', 'progress_logger', 'loss_logger', "best_metric_logger", "file_logger"]: if hasattr(self, logger_name): _logger = getattr(self, logger_name) handlers = _logger.handlers[:] for handler in handlers: handler.close() handler.flush() _logger.removeHandler(handler) delattr(self, logger_name) def _create_log_files(self): """ 创建日志文件 """ if not hasattr(self, 'meta_logger'): if self._save_log_dir is None: now ='%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') _save_log_dir = os.path.join(self._log_dir, 'log_' + now) while os.path.exists(_save_log_dir): time.sleep(1) now ='%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') _save_log_dir = os.path.join(self._log_dir, 'log_' + now) while True: try: os.mkdir(_save_log_dir) break except FileExistsError: time.sleep(1) now ='%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') _save_log_dir = os.path.join(self._log_dir, 'log_' + now) except Exception as e: raise e self._save_log_dir = _save_log_dir # prepare logger formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s') # 只保存记录的时间与记录的内容 for name in ['meta', 'hyper', 'metric', 'other', 'loss', 'progress', 'best_metric', 'file']: logger_name = 'fitlog_{}'.format(name) logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) handler = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(self._save_log_dir, '{}.log'.format(name)), encoding='utf-8') handler.setFormatter(formatter) handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.propagate = False logger.addHandler(handler) setattr(self, name + '_logger', logger) self.__add_meta() @_check_debug @_check_log_dir def __add_meta(self): """ logger自动调用此方法添加meta信息 """ if self.fit_id is None: # 没有获取过 if committer.last_commit is not None: self.fit_id = committer.last_commit[0] self.fit_msg = committer.last_commit[1] _dict = {} for value, name in zip([self.fit_id, self.git_id, self.fit_msg, self.git_msg], ['fit_id', 'git_id', 'fit_msg', 'git_msg']): if value is not None: if 'id' in name: value = value[:8] _dict[name] = value _dict["state"] = 'running' _dict = {'meta': _dict} self._write_to_logger(json.dumps(_dict), 'meta_logger') @_check_debug @_check_log_dir def finish(self, status: int = 0, send_to_bot: str = None): """ 使用此方法告知 fitlog 你的实验已经正确结束。你可以使用此方法来筛选出失败的实验。 :param status: 告知当前实验的状态。0: 结束了; 1: 发生了错误 :param send_to_bot: 飞书机器人的 webhook 地址,设置后可以 :return: """ if status not in (0, 1): raise ValueError("status only supports 0,1 to stand for 'finish','error'.") if hasattr(self, 'meta_logger'): if status == 0: _dict = {'meta': {'state': 'finish'}} else: _dict = {'meta': {'state': 'error'}} self._write_to_logger(json.dumps(_dict), 'meta_logger') self.add_other(value=get_hour_min_second(time.time() - self._start_time), name='cost_time') if send_to_bot is not None: if isinstance(send_to_bot, str): if status == 0: title = "[ fitlog 训练完成 ]" text = "fitlog 提醒您:您的训练任务已完成!" else: title = "[ fitlog 训练错误 ]" text = "fitlog 提醒您:您的训练任务发生了错误。" data = { "msg_type": "post", "content": { "post": { "zh_cn": { "title": title, "content": [ [ { "tag": "text", "text": text }, ] ] } } } }, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, data=json.dumps(data)) else: print("[send_to_bot] 应该设置为飞书机器人的 webhook 地址") @_check_debug @_check_log_dir def add_best_metric(self, value: Union[int, str, float, dict], name: str = None): """ 用于添加最好的 metric 。用此方法添加的值,会被显示在 metric 这一列中。 :param value: 类型为 int, float, str, dict中的一种。如果类型为 dict,它的键的类型只能为 str, 它的键值的类型可以为int, float, str 或符合同样条件的 dict :param name: 如果你传入的 value 不是字典,你需要传入 value 对应的名字。 .. warning :: 如果你在同时记录多个数据集上的performance, 请注意使用不同的名称进行区分 """ _dict = _parse_value(value, name=name, parent_name='metric') self._write_to_logger(json.dumps(_dict), 'best_metric_logger') @_check_debug @_check_log_dir def add_to_file(self, value: Union[str, dict]): """ 将str记录到文件中,前端可以从网页跳转打开文件。记录是append到之前的记录之后。每个str之后会自动添加一个换行符 :param value: 字符串类型的数据,将直接写到文件中 :return: """ assert isinstance(value, (str, dict)), "Only str or dict allowed, not {}.".format(type(value)) if isinstance(value, dict): value = json.dumps(value, indent=2) self._write_to_logger(value, 'file_logger') @_check_debug @_check_log_dir def add_metric(self, value: Union[int, str, float, dict], step: int, name: str = None, epoch: int = None): """ 用于添加 metric 。用此方法添加的值,会被记录在 metric 这一列中 :param value: 类型为 int, float, str, dict中的一种。如果类型为 dict,它的键的类型只能为 str, 它的键值的类型可以为int, float, str 或符合同样条件的 dict :param step: 用于和 loss 对应的 step :param name: 如果你传入的 value 不是字典,你需要传入 value 对应的名字 :param epoch: 前端显示需要记录 epoch :return: """ assert isinstance(step, int) and step > -1, "Only positive integer is allowed to be `step`." _dict = _parse_value(value, name, parent_name='metric') _dict['step'] = step if epoch is not None: assert isinstance(epoch, int) and epoch > -1, "Only positive integer is allowed to be `epoch`." _dict['epoch'] = epoch _str = json.dumps(_dict) _str = 'Step:{}\t'.format(step) + _str self._write_to_logger(_str, 'metric_logger') @_check_debug @_check_log_dir def add_loss(self, value: Union[int, str, float, dict], step: int, name: str = None, epoch: int = None): """ 用于添加 loss。用此方法添加的值,可以通过曲线看出去变化趋势。 :param value: 类型为 int, float, str, dict中的一种。如果类型为 dict,它的键的类型只能为 str, 它的键值的类型可以为int, float, str 或符合同样条件的 dict :param step: 用于和 loss 对应的 step :param name: 如果你传入的 value 不是字典,你需要传入 value 对应的名字 :param epoch: 前端显示需要记录 epoch :return: """ assert isinstance(step, int) and step > -1, "Only positive integer is allowed to be `step`." _dict = _parse_value(value, name, parent_name='loss') if epoch is not None: assert isinstance(epoch, int) and epoch > -1, "Only positive integer is allowed to be `epoch`." _dict['epoch'] = epoch _dict['step'] = step _str = json.dumps(_dict) _str = 'Step:{}\t'.format(step) + _str self._write_to_logger(_str, 'loss_logger') # {'loss': {}, 'step':xx, 'epoch':xx} @_check_debug @_check_log_dir def add_hyper(self, value: Union[int, str, float, dict, argparse.Namespace, ConfigParser], name=None): """ 用于添加超参数。用此方法添加到值,会被放置在 hyper 这一列中 :param value: 类型为 int, float, str, dict, argparse.Namespace(即ArgumentParser传入的内容), ConfigParser中的一种 。如果类型为 dict,它的键的类型只能为 str,它的键值的类型可以为int, float, str 或符合同样条件的 dict :param name: 如果你传入的 value 不是字典,你需要传入 value 对应的名字 :return: """ value = deepcopy(value) if isinstance(value, argparse.Namespace): value = vars(value) _check_dict_value(value) elif isinstance(value, ConfigParser): value = _convert_configparser_to_dict(value) # no need to check elif inspect.isclass(value) and issubclass(value, FitlogConfig): value = _get_config_args(value) elif isinstance(value, FitlogConfig): value = _get_config_args(value) else: try: import dataclasses if dataclasses.is_dataclass(value): _dict = {} for field in value.__dataclass_fields__: v = getattr(value, field) _dict[field] = v value = _dict except: # python 3.7以上才有这个 pass _dict = _parse_value(value, name=name, parent_name='hyper') self._write_to_logger(json.dumps(_dict), 'hyper_logger') @_check_debug @_check_log_dir def add_other(self, value: Union[int, str, float, dict], name: str = None): """ 用于添加其它参数 :param value: 类型为 int, float, str, dict中的一种。如果类型为 dict,它的键的类型只能为 str, 它的键值的类型可以为int, float, str 或符合同样条件的 dict :param name: 如果你传入 name 参数,你传入的 value 参数会被看做形如 {name:value} 的字典 :return: """ if name in ('meta', 'hyper', 'metric', 'loss') and not isinstance(value, dict): raise KeyError("Don't use {} as a name. Use fitlog.add_{}() to save it.".format(name, name)) _dict = _parse_value(value, name=name, parent_name='other') self._write_to_logger(json.dumps(_dict), 'other_logger') @_check_debug @_check_log_dir def add_hyper_in_file(self, file_path: str=None): """ 从文件读取参数。如demo.py所示,两行"#######hyper"(至少5个#)之间的参数会被读取出来,并组成一个字典。每个变量最多只能出现在一行中, 如果多次出现,只会记录第一次出现的值。另外等号最右侧的不能是一个变量,fitlog无法知道变量取什么值。 from numpy as np # do something ############hyper lr = 0.01 # some comments char_embed = word_embed = 300 # char_embed = args.char_embed # 非法的,不支持变量赋值 hidden_size = 100 # num_layers = 3 # 这个值不会被记录,通过#注释掉的行将被忽略 .... ############hyper # do something model = Model(xxx) 如果你把 的文件路径传入此函数,会转换出如下字典,并添加到参数中:: { 'lr': '0.01', 'char_embed': '300' 'word_embed': '300' 'hidden_size': '100' } :param file_path: 文件路径 :return: """ if file_path is None: try: import inspect module = inspect.getmodule(inspect.stack()[4][0]) file_path = module.__file__ except: raise RuntimeError("Please pass the file_path parameter.") file_path = os.path.abspath(file_path) if not os.path.isfile(file_path): raise RuntimeError("{} is not a regular file.".format(file_path)) if not file_path.endswith('.py'): raise RuntimeError("{} is not a python file.".format(file_path)) _dict = {} between = False with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: line = line.strip() if len(re.findall('^#####+hyper$', line)) != 0: between = not between elif between: if len(line) != 0 and not line.startswith('#'): line = re.sub(r'#[^#]*$', '', line).strip() # 删除结尾的注释 # replace space before an after = line = re.sub(r'\s*=\s*', '=', line) values = line.split('=') # 删除str开头结尾的'" last_value = values[-1].rstrip("'").rstrip('"').lstrip("'").lstrip('"') if last_value == 'False': last_value = False elif last_value == 'True': last_value = True for value in values[:-1]: _dict[value] = last_value if len(_dict) != 0: self.add_hyper(_dict) @_check_debug @_check_log_dir def add_progress(self, total_steps: int = None): """ 用于前端显示当前进度条。传入总的step数量 :param total_steps: int, 总共有多少个step :return: """ assert isinstance(total_steps, int) and total_steps > 0 if hasattr(self, 'total_steps'): raise RuntimeError("Cannot set total_steps twice.") self.total_steps = total_steps self._write_to_logger(json.dumps({"total_steps": total_steps}), 'progress_logger')
[文档] def set_rng_seed(self, rng_seed: int = None, random: bool = True, numpy: bool = True, pytorch: bool = True, deterministic: bool = True): """ 设置模块的随机数种子。由于pytorch还存在cudnn导致的非deterministic的运行,所以一些情况下可能即使seed一样,结果也不一致 需要在fitlog.commit()或fitlog.set_log_dir()之后运行才会记录该rng_seed到log中 :param int rng_seed: 将这些模块的随机数设置到多少,默认为随机生成一个。 :param bool, random: 是否将python自带的random模块的seed设置为rng_seed. :param bool, numpy: 是否将numpy的seed设置为rng_seed. :param bool, pytorch: 是否将pytorch的seed设置为rng_seed(设置torch.manual_seed和torch.cuda.manual_seed_all). :param bool, deterministic: 是否将pytorch的torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic设置为True """ if rng_seed is None: import time import math rng_seed = int(math.modf(time.time())[0] * 1000000) if random: import random random.seed(rng_seed) if numpy: try: import numpy numpy.random.seed(rng_seed) except: pass if pytorch: try: import torch torch.manual_seed(rng_seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(rng_seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(rng_seed) if deterministic: torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True except: pass if self.initialized: self.add_other(rng_seed, 'rng_seed') os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = str(rng_seed) # 为了禁止hash随机化,使得实验可复现。 return rng_seed
@_check_debug @_check_log_dir def _save(self): if len(self._cache) != 0: self._create_log_files() for value, logger_name in self._cache: _logger = getattr(self, logger_name) self._cache = [] def _write_to_logger(self, _str: str, logger_name: str): """ 把记录的内容写到logger里面` :param _str: 要记录的内容 :param logger_name: 所用logger的名称 :return: """ assert isinstance(logger_name, str) and isinstance(_str, str) if self._save_log_dir is None: if logger_name in ('metric_logger', 'best_metric_logger', 'loss_logger'): self._create_log_files() self._save() # 将之前的内容存下来 if logger_name not in ('file_logger',): _str = re.sub('-(?!\d)', '_', _str.replace('\n', ' ')) if hasattr(self, logger_name): _logger = getattr(self, logger_name) else: # 如果还没有初始化就先cache下来 self._cache.append([_str, logger_name])
[文档] def is_debug(self): """ 返回当前是否是debug状态 """ return self._debug
def _convert_configparser_to_dict(config: ConfigParser) -> dict: """ 将ConfigParser类型的对象转成字典 :param config: 代转换的对象 :return: 转换成的字典 """ _dict = {} for section in config.sections(): __dict = {} options = config.options(section) for option in options: __dict[option] = config.get(section, option) _dict[section] = __dict return _dict def _parse_value(value: Union[int, str, float, dict], name: str, parent_name: str = None) -> dict: """ 检查传入的value是否是符合要求的。并返回dict 1 如果value是基本类型,则name不为None 2 如果value是dict类型,则保证所有value是可以转为(int, str, float)的 :param value: int, float, str或者dict类型 :param name: :param parent_name: :return: """ if name is not None: assert isinstance(name, str), "name can only be `str` type, not {}.".format(name) _dict = {} if isinstance(value, (int, float, str, bool)) or value is None: if name is None: raise RuntimeError("When value is {}, you must pass `name`.".format(type(value))) elif isinstance(value, dict): _check_dict_value(value) elif 'torch.Tensor' in str(type(value)): assert name is not None, f"When value is `{type(value)}`, you must pass a name." try: value = value.item() except: value = str(value.tolist()) elif 'numpy.ndarray' in str(type(value)): assert name is not None, f"When value is `{type(value)}`, you must pass a name." total_ele = 1 for dim in value.shape: total_ele *= dim if total_ele == 1: value = value.reshape(1)[0] else: value = str(value.tolist()) elif isinstance(value, np.bool_): value = bool(value) elif isinstance(value, np.integer): value = int(value) elif isinstance(value, np.floating): value = float(value) else: value = str(value) # 直接专为str类型 assert name is not None, f"When value is `{type(value)}`, you must pass a name." if parent_name != None and name != None: _dict = {parent_name.replace(' ', '_'): {name.replace(' ', '_'): value}} elif parent_name != None: _dict = {parent_name.replace(' ', '_'): value} elif name != None: _dict = {name.replace(' ', '_'): value} else: _dict = value return _dict def _check_dict_value(_dict: dict, prefix: str = ''): """ 递归检查字典中任意字段的值是否符合要求 :param _dict: 被检查的字典 :param prefix: 递归时键值的前缀 :return: """ keys = list(_dict.keys()) for key in keys: value = _dict[key] if isinstance(value, (np.str, str)) or value is None: continue elif isinstance(value, dict): _check_dict_value(value, prefix=prefix + ':' + key) elif 'torch.Tensor' in str(type(value)): try: value = value.item() _dict[key] = value except: value = str(value.tolist()) _dict[key] = value elif 'numpy.ndarray' in str(type(value)): total_ele = 1 for dim in value.shape: total_ele *= dim if total_ele == 1: _dict[key] = value.reshape(1)[0] else: _dict[key] = str(value.tolist()) elif isinstance(value, (np.bool_, bool)): _dict[key] = bool(value) elif isinstance(value, (np.integer, int)): _dict[key] = int(value) elif isinstance(value, (np.floating, float)): _dict[key] = float(value) else: _dict[key] = str(value) def get_hour_min_second(seconds): # seconds: int m, s = divmod(int(seconds), 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) f = '' f += '{:d}h'.format(int(h)) f += '{:d}m'.format(int(m)) f += '{:d}s'.format(s) return f